
Total number of recipes: 19
Category: Hempen

Hempen Yarn:  
Materials: 2 bunches of Moko Grass.
Crystal: Lightning Shard x8

Undyed Hempen Cloth:
Materials: 3 spindles of hempen yarn.
Crystal: Earth Shard x6  

Hempen Fent:
Crystal: Unknown

Hempen Camises:
Materials: 1 bolt of undyed hempen cloth, 1 spindle of hempen yarn, 2 circles of slate-grey sheep leather.
Crystal: Unknown

Hempen Coifs: *NEW*
Materials: 2 bolts of undyed hempen cloth, 1 spindle of hempen yarn, 1 sheep leather strap.
Crystal: Unknown 

Hempen Kecks (Grey): *NEW*
Materials: 1 bolt of undyed hempen cloth, 2 bolts of lead-grey hempen cloth, 1 spindle of hempen yarn, 1 sheep leather strap, 1 copper buckle.
Crystal: Unknown

Hempen Work Gloves (Grey): *NEW*
Materials: 1 bolt of undyed hempen cloth, 1 bolt of lead-grey hempen cloth, 1 basket of cotton stuffing, 1 spindle of hempen yarn.
Crystal: Unknown
Hempen Beret (Beige):  
Materials: 1 bolt of lead grey hempen cloth, 1 bolt of sand beige hempen cloth, 1 spindle of hempen yarn, 1 basket of apkallu down. 
Crystal: Unknown

Hempen Doublet Fronts (Brown): *NEW*
Materials: 2 bolts of mole-brown hempen cloth, 1 spindle of hempen yarn, 1 circle of slate-grey sheep leather, 1 copper buckle.
Crystal: Unknown   

Hempen Robe Backs (Grey): *NEW*
Materials: 4 bolts of lead-grey hempen cloth, 1 spindle of hempen yarn. 
Crystal: Unknown

Hempen Doublet Fronts (Beige): *NEW*
Materials: 2 bolts of sand-beige hempen cloth, 1 spindle of hempen yarn, 1 circle of sheep leather, 1 copper buckle.
Crystal: Unknown 

Hempen Outer Gown: *NEW*
Materials: 2 bolts of undyed hempen cloth, 1 bolt of undyed cotton cloth, 1 spindle of hempen yarn, 1 circle of rat fur, 1 sheep leather strap (taupe), 1 copper buckle.
Crystal: Unknown  

Hempen Shirt (Grey): *NEW*
Materials: 1 spindle of hempen yarn, 1 sheep leather strap, 1 pair of rat fur shoulder guards, 1 pair of hempen sleeves (grey), 1 hempen shirt front (grey), 1 hempen shit back (grey).
Crystal: Unknown 

Hempen Cowl (Grey): *NEW*
Materials: Hempen Outer Cowl (Grey), Hempen Inner Cowl (Grey), Hempen Hood (Grey), 1 spindle of Hempen Yarn.
Crystal: Earth Shard x6

Category: Cotton

Cotton Fent:
Materials: 1 bolt of undyed cotton cloth.
Crystal: Unknown 

Cotton Tights (Red): *NEW*
Materials: 2 bolts of mesa-red cotton cloth, 1 spindle of cotton yarn.
Crystal: Unknown

Cotton Shoulder Guards (Red): *NEW*
Materials: 1 bolt of mesa-red cotton cloth, 1 spindle of cotton yarn.
Crystal: Unknown

Cotton Robe Backs (Red): *NEW*
Materials: 4 bolts of mesa-red cotton cloth, 1 spindle of cotton yarn.
Crystal: Unknown  

Cotton Acton Bodies (Red): 
Materials: 1 bolt of undyed cotton cloth, 1 bolt of mesa-red cotton cloth. 1 basket of cotton stuffing, 1 spindle of cotton yarn, 1 circle of squirrel fur, 1 bronze buckle.
Crystal: Unknown

Cotton Inner Gowns (Blue):
Materials: 1 bolt of undyed cotton cloth, 2 bolts of celeste-blue cotton cloth, 1 spindle of cotton yarn.

Crystal: Unknown

Cotton Doublet Backs (Blue):
Materials: 2 bolts of celeste-blue cotton cloth, 1 spindle of cotton yarn, 1 circle of sheep leather.

Crystal: Unknown